Confessions And Testimonies

There’s a difference between confession and testimony. The confession of the WORD and the testimony of God’s WORD are not the same.

When we confess the Word, we are responding to God’s Word in agreement with Him. Confession brings us the blessings of salvation. If I’ve been in a mess, or I’ve found myself in some predicament, maybe sickness, disease or affliction; I’ll confess the Word and by my confession I’ll catapult myself into the liberty of the children of God, because confession brings salvation.

“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation…” (Romans 10:10 KJV)

Testimony is different from confession. Testimony is bearing witness while Confession is speaking the same things in consent. It is speaking the same things in response to God’s Word. Testimony is bearing witness of Him.

Oh! How important this is, the testimony of a Christian. The devil likes to stop us from testifying but brothers and sisters, it is important to testify. It’s just that some people don’t know what testimony is. Someone may say, “I lost my bunch of keys but praise God I found it”. That’s not a testimony because there’s more to testimony than that. Though it’s beautiful, but it should lead to testimony. The testimony in that is the faithfulness of God. So you say “I come out and testify of the faithfulness of God, on such and such a date, this and that happened but praise God it turned out for my good”. What you are testifying, is to the faithfulness of God.

In this month, testify to the grace of God in your life. Testify to the efficacy of the Word of God in your life; testify to His love in your life. As a child of God, you have a testimony! Testify of your victories in Christ. Testify of what he has done in your life. Don’t wait to feel it or see it first, testify! The bible says, “they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony…” (Revelations 12:11). So testimony gives you the victory over Satan. Glory to God!

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