Expect Answers when you Pray

Some people don’t bother praying, because even when they do, they don’t expect answers. If you don’t have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, that is, you’re not born again, you shouldn’t expect answers because He wouldn’t even hear you. However, if you’re God’s child, you have a right to expect answers when you pray; but to have those answers consistently, you must pray according to God’s Word revealed concerning prayer in the New Testament.

God invites us to pray; He’s not troubled with our prayers. Some people think they shouldn’t bother God with their prayers because He already has a lot of problems to solve. They figure that with so many people calling on God at the same time, He might just get confused, and so in order not to compound His problems they decide not to pray to Him. Don’t think that way about God. He’s not confused by our prayers. Don’t wonder how He hears when so many people pray to Him at the same time. Remember He is God!

Nothing is impossible with Him. When you pray, God listens because you’re His child, and you pray according to His will. Whilst listening to you, He doesn’t consider your prayer with respect to another person’s. He doesn’t hold something back from you just because another person has asked for the same thing you asked for. He relates with you on a personal level. God doesn’t prefer one of His kids above another; He relates with you as though you’re the only one in the whole wide world. Did it ever occur to you that if you were the only person in the whole earth Jesus would still have come to die for you? That should let you know just how personal God is with you. He said, “…ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).

This is God’s Word to you: If you ask Him, you shall receive! People get a lot of encouragement to pray, but a lot of times they don’t know how to. It’s one thing to tell someone to pray and to pray hard, but it’s another thing to let them know how to pray in such a way they can have the desired results and make the necessary impact.

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