A People of Prophecy

God’s people are a people of prophecy. God called us out by prophecy, builds us up by prophecy, sends us out by prophecy,
and blesses us so much through prophecy.

This is why prophecy is such an important subject in the Kingdom of God and in this book I’ll be teaching you how prophecy
affects your life—indeed how it has affected your life up to this point and is already shaping your future.
I’ll also be showing you how you can take advantage of this powerful gift of prophecy given you by God to create the kind of
future you want to have. You’d learn in this timely book that your future is not just in your hands but in your mouth, and it’s up to you to speak it into

You’ll discover that your mouth has been fashioned by God as the compass of your life; you can use it rightly and arrive in the
future of your dreams. I hope that not only would you read but you’d also receive into your spirit all I share with you in this book about prophecy, and
begin to consciously and consistently order the course of your life and your future in the direction you want through the power of prophecy.

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